Features, iHub, iHub Research, Tech PolicyBuilding a More Inclusive and Accessible Internet. oloruntobi@cchub.africa / May 18, 2020
Features, iHub educationWhat does it take to implement an effective virtual learning solution in Africa? oloruntobi@cchub.africa / May 15, 2020
Features, iHub educationHow ready are pre-service teachers for a technology-driven future in education: Introducing NextGen Teachers oloruntobi@cchub.africa / May 15, 2020
iHub ResearchWhat does the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, and the Huduma Bill Really Mean for a Kenyan Citizen? oloruntobi@cchub.africa / March 11, 2020
barcamp, FeaturesBig Enough, Bold Enough – Announcing Barcamp Nairobi 2020 oloruntobi@cchub.africa / February 27, 2020
iHubiHub launches Creativity Chat event to bring together creatives and techiesĀ in Kenya oloruntobi@cchub.africa / December 3, 2019