Ushahidi is hosting a community research study in Nairobi

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Ushahidi is hosting a community research study in Nairobi on 1 March. We’d love for your to join us!

Ushahidi is currently building a new public technology product called Dispatcher, which helps communities build resilience through peer-to-peer engagement and machine learning. Dispatcher builds upon our deep experience in crisis response, and is the next chapter of Ushahidi’s mission to understand and improve how communities come together and help each other, both in times of crisis as well as during everyday life.

In order to best design a product that is responsive and thoughtful to the needs of our user base, we will be hosting a community research study in Nairobi on 1 March 2019, from 08.30am until 18.00pm. We are opening this event up to the public for participation, and would like to invite anyone who is interested to sign up for a 20-minute time slot to chat with us and answer a few questions about your community involvement.

If you have 20 minutes free that day and are interested in helping us design our next product, we hope you’ll consider joining us! We’ve included information at the bottom of this article on how to get involved.

What should I expect during the research study?

The Ushahidi team will be present throughout the day to talk with people about our project, and about their thoughts on the key issues surrounding how people help each other in a community. To do this, we’ll be meeting with research participants in individual 20-minute time slots. During this time, we’ll have a conversation to ask a few questions about how you think about community and helping others.

Here are some example research topics we’d cover with you, from our team of community support specialists and product designers:

  • How do you currently help others in the communities you are part of?

  • What are the ways you give help and receive help day to day? What about in times of crisis?

  • What do you think makes a connected, helpful and supportive community?

  • What makes it difficult for you to engaging in helping others who are in need or to receive help from others in need?

If you find you want to speak to us for longer, we can schedule a longer time period for an interview or  a way to feedback to us in your own time. We’ll also have some time to answer any questions about our project if you have them.

Here’s how to sign up if you’re interested

The study will take place on Friday the 1st of March, at the iHub, 6th Floor Senteu Plaza. The Ushahidi team will be there the whole day from 08.30am until 18.00pm, and you can join us for a short 20-minute time slot.

Sign up here if interested:

We look forward to chatting with you and thank you for your interest and involvement in our project!

The Ushahidi Team



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