Speak at #droidconKE 2019

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You already know that the Second edition of the largest droidcon in Africa will be held on Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th of August 2019. If you did not, now you know. 🙂

Droidcon is a global conference focused on the engineering of Android applications. Droidcon provides a forum for developers to network with other developers, share techniques, announce apps and products, and to learn and teach.

This two-day global android developer-focused gathering will be held in Nairobi Kenya on 8th and 9th August 2019 and will be the largest of its kind in Sub Saharan Africa. It will include workshops and codelabs focused on the building of Android applications and will give participants an excellent chance to learn about the local Android development ecosystem, opportunities and services as well as meet the engineers and companies who work on them.

This year’s DroidconKE will be a multi-track event with speakers in each track and keynotes on the two days all on Android. Listed below are the suggested themes which will to be covered:


  • Craftsmanship, Teams, People & Methodologies


Talks related to:

– designing or refactoring code (can be language specific or spanning multiple languages).

– culture and experiences in teams, new ways of working, or tools that practitioner’s find useful.


  • Database and Cloud


Talks relating to database paradigms from Relational Databases to Graph & Object Databases, techniques for working with data and databases etc. including and Firebase and Windows Azure.


  • DevOps & Automation


Talks related to DevOps and automation of deployment, including specific automation approaches, experiences and lessons learned.


  • Tools and Frameworks


Talks related to the use of developer tools, languages, frameworks and platforms.


  • Design, User Interface and UX


Talks related to User Interface and User experience methodologies, tips and best practices.


  • Monetization and Publishing


Talks related to:

  • In-App purchases
  • Publishing Android Applications
  • Payment APIS
  • How to make money from you android Application


  • Security and IoT


Talks related to:

  • security or hacking in Android Applications.
  • Internet of Things devices,
  • platforms and writing software for IoT and how they connect to Android


  • Machine Learning & AI


Talks related to data science with reference to Android Applications.

These tracks will cover topics in Enterprise Application development, Game development and Application development with relation to Android.

We highly encourage you to apply to be a speaker in this event as we do not discriminate.

Apply now

By Frank Tamre


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