iHub Online Safety Fair

On Saturday the 26th of January, the iHub will be hosting the first ever Online Safety Fair event which is geared towards engaging with young people ages 9 to 26 who are online, and providing a space to explore and even experience ways to stay safe online in a practical way.

This event will showcase a one-stop shop of the work that different partner organisations are doing around helping Kenyan internet users have a safer online experience.

We aim to make this an event focused on experiencing a safe internet in a practical way by having several booths providing diverse thematic learnings such as:

  • How safe is my device?
  • My Data My Safety
  • Staying safe on social media
  • How to use Merchandise and Videos to advocate for a safer internet
  • Kids on the Internet
  • Parenting in a Digital Age.
  • Does our constitution say how we should behave online?
  • How prepared am I to be Online? (Online Safety Gaming/Quiz)

Additionally, we will have available published resources that attendees can use for further reading as well as share beyond the confines of the event.

We hope to inspire educators on how education around online safety can be approached in a fun, easy and practical way in their institutions. This event will be a great starting point in considering the place of online safety in current curriculums in Kenyan institutions and even the presence of student clubs that could provide an alternative to formal training on online safety.

Come join us for an afternoon of learning and fun! Register here!

If your organisation is interested in participating please reach out to research@ihub.co.ke


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