iHub Kids Hacker Camps are back!

This year we started off KHC at iHub with a fave intro to electronics beginner class, building an RC car; and for the advanced kids, we built a smoke detector using arduino.

We use a project-based learning approach to teach the kids electronics concepts. It challenges the kids to think about how electronics operate and to build problem-solving and creative-thinking skills. The projects are composed of three parts: electronic assembly, artwork and testing of the prototype.

The beginner kids got to learn the concept of motors, and infrared remote control by creating the RC 3- wheeler using littlebits. Littlebits are electronic color-coded building blocks that snap together so the concept was easily grasped by the kids.

For the advanced class, we taught them fire safety and the importance of smoke detectors. The kids built a smoke detector using arduino and the mq-2 gas sensor which can also be used as a gas leakage detector. It was a fun, informative experience and in the end the kids wanted to build one for their homes.

For the programming class, the kids learnt how variables work by creating customised blocks; which is an equivalent of declaring variables in any object-oriented programming languages.

This session was a great way to kick off 2019, and we are looking forward to more.

Intake for February classes is ongoing 6000/ per month (4 classes) or 2500/ per session; 10am-12 noon .Pay via mpesa buy goods 696663 or via website http://bit.ly/iHubKids


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