Ibuka Summit with AkiraChix and The Action Foundation

Inaccurate beliefs about personal potential and ability, lack of role models, limited hands-on experience with STEM, and insufficient knowledge of careers in STEM contribute to lower rates of girls with disabilities pursuing STEM . The Ibuka Summit; a life skills and tech event, aimed to curb this, and help ensure equal opportunities for girls with disabilities. The summit was made possible by the Action Foundation, in conjunction with AkiraChix and the iHub.

Below are some of the highlights from the summit:

The iHub’s Kids Hacker Camp and AkiraChix ran a STEAM class for the S.A Joytown Secondary School‘s Girls (one of Action Foundation’s partner schools).

The girls making a sound triggered robot with iHub KHC trainers



Anne, and Brenda from AkiraChix teaching the girls the basics of Arduino


The life skills sessions were focused on self-advocacy, Sexual Reproductive Health and making the girls understand their strengths & believing in themselves as capable and effective.


Grace from Action Foundation, having an interactive discussion with the girls on Sexual Reproductive Health
Lizzie, Founding Director of This Ability, and the girls showing off their colourful name tags.
Maria, Executive Director, the Action Foundation and Teresa


It was an honour working with these incredible girls to help motivate them to pursue STEM fields; and consequently explore interesting and challenging problems, gain self-satisfaction, demonstrate their abilities, and/or contribute to discovery.

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