Funding available for startups and SMEs in Kenya: Speakers and Program

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iHub Women in Business Program together with MbeleNaBiz  will be hosting an event to discuss Fundraising for your business – Tips for women business owners.  

The discussion areas will be :

  • Challenges facing start-up businesses and SMEs
  •  Encouraging women entrepreneurs and advising on various sources of finances (grants, equity and debt) available for women and women led businesses to plug into. 

The event program is as below:

08:30 – 08:45  Registration and coffee

08:45 – 09:45  Panel discussion – Moderated by Wambui Chege

09:45 – 11:00  MbeleNaBiz presentation and Q&A

To make for a short and enganging panel, we will have these speakers in the Panel and allow for a longer session for questions and answers 

Panellists will include:

  •     Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA) – Jimmy Odhiambo
  •       iHub – Nekesa Were
  •       Grassroots Business Fund– Noel Wadaki

Moderator– Wambui Chege- MbeleNaBiz Team Leader.

There will be investors, government representatives, development organization representatives like World Bank,  Corporate representatives, fellow entrepreneurs, Hub managers, and other funding organizations in attendance to network with.

While this event is targeted at Women Led enterprises, it is open to both women and men entrepreneurs who would like to learn more about funding, how to raise and available opportunities. You are invited to the event. 

THEME: Fundraising for your business – Tips for women business owners. 

WHERE: iHub, 6th Floor Senteu Plaza, Galan Road, Nairobi

DATE: Wednesday, 28th August 2019

TIME: 8:30am – 11:00 a.m

Few Tickets Available, get your ticket HERE.


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